The Bemidji Lions Club was Chartered on March 31, 1939. We focus on Sight, Hearing, Diabetes and Youth. We welcome men and women to join in service to our community. The Lion's motto, "We Serve!" guides us in all we do. We are part of Lions International which was founded in 1917 and is the largest service club in the world. We celebrated our 75th anniversary in 2014!
The Bemidji Lions are busier than ever. If you would like to get involved in this active, community group, come to the weekly meeting on Wednesdays.
Members! If you need to be reimbursed for an expense for the Lions, download the Claim Expense Form.
For more than 80 years Lions Club have been collecting unwanted prescription eyeglasses, sunglasses, and readers. These are then cleaned, measured, and sent to developing countries where the glasses help improve the ability of children to read and the elderly to see. In addition to eyeglasses, the Lions also collects old hearing aids. These also can be dropped off at the following locations: